Solar Design System: Achieving 85% Adoption at Absa Bank in 4 Months

Solar Design System: Achieving 85% Adoption at Absa Bank in 4 Months


Lead Design Systems


⚠️ This case study is a work in progress

Impact summary


85 %

An Increase from 10%

Design consistency

80 %

An increase from 20%

Development time


A decrease from 70%

Overview: Illuminating the Path to Design Consistency

In the dynamic world of digital banking, Absa Bank faced a growing challenge: a fragmented design landscape that threatened to dim the user experience. This case study explores how the Solar Design System became the guiding light, unifying Absa's digital presence and achieving remarkable adoption rates.

The Challenge: Scattered Design Elements

As Absa Bank expanded its digital offerings, inconsistencies in design elements and user interfaces began to emerge. Different teams were using varied styles, leading to a fragmented user experience that lacked the cohesion necessary for a modern financial institution.

Key issues included:

  • Inconsistent visual language across platforms

  • Inefficient design-to-development processes

  • Fragmented user experience

Research and Planning: Charting the Course

To address these challenges, Absa Bank initiated the Solar Design System project. The team began with comprehensive research:

  1. Stakeholder Interviews: Engaging key personnel across departments to understand pain points and requirements.

  2. Competitive Analysis: Studying leading design systems in the industry to identify best practices.

  3. User Feedback: Gathering insights to ensure the design system would meet user expectations.

“Design has never been this easy!”

Zena Martin
Lead Designer @ Absa

“Design has never been this easy!”

Zena Martin
Lead Designer @ Absa

“Design has never been this easy!”

Zena Martin
Lead Designer @ Absa

“The design system gave me the freedom to focus on the user!”

Natasha Hinter
Lead Designer @ Absa

“The design system gave me the freedom to focus on the user!”

Natasha Hinter
Lead Designer @ Absa

“The design system gave me the freedom to focus on the user!”

Natasha Hinter
Lead Designer @ Absa
Launching the Solar Design System

With insights in hand, the team set out to create a unified design framework. The Solar Design System was built with the following key components:

  1. Component Library: A comprehensive collection of reusable UI elements.

  2. Style Guide: Detailed guidelines on typography, color schemes, and spacing.

  3. Interaction Patterns: Standardized models to ensure consistency in user experience.

  4. Accessibility Standards: Ensuring all components adhere to WCAG guidelines.

Implementation: A Smooth Orbit

The implementation phase focused on seamless integration:

  • Version Control: Using Git to manage updates efficiently.

  • Documentation: Creating thorough guides for developers and designers.

  • Integration: Ensuring compatibility with existing workflows and tools.

Impact: Stellar Results

The Solar Design System brought about transformative change at Absa Bank:

  • 85% Adoption Rate: Within six months, the vast majority of the team embraced the new system.

  • 80% Improvement in Design Consistency: We saw significant leap in visual and functional coherence done with audits.

  • 40% Reduction in Development Time: Streamlined processes led to faster feature rollouts.

The Road Ahead: Infinite Possibilities

The Solar Design System didn't just align Absa Bank's digital elements; it revolutionized the entire approach to design and development. As the system continues to evolve, it stands ready to guide Absa through the ever-expanding universe of digital banking.

By creating a centralized, efficient, and user-focused design system, Absa Bank has positioned itself at the forefront of digital innovation in the financial sector. The Solar Design System continues to shine brightly, illuminating the path for both developers and users alike.

Key learnings

Evaluating existing systems

Analyzing current systems and user feedback helped us identify improvement areas and establish clear objectives for the redesign.

Standardizing components

Consistency in navigation elements improved user experience, scalability, and
the brand

Testing with users

Usability tests and beta testing enabled us to refine designs, validate the new information architecture, and gather user feedback.

Iterating based on feedback.

Incorporating user suggestions optimized navigation paths and ensured a smooth transition to the new system.