Increase Adoption of In-App Purchases Beyond S2P

Increase Adoption of In-App Purchases Beyond S2P


Lead Product Designer

Impact summary


5 %

An Increase of 17%


4 %

An Increase from 18%



Profit margin achieved


SnapScan has a customer-facing app that is actively used by 200,000 users in South Africa. The iconic S2P product is used by 60% of our user base on a regular basis. Beyond that we have a host of other in-app purchase products including:

  • Prepaid electricity

  • Prepaid airtime and data

  • Bills (Municipal and DSTV)

  • BoxOffice movies

  • Parking

These in-app purchases have a significantly higher profit margin per transaction (A current business objective) than our S2P

Despite the size of our active user base, our in-app products have only seen a user adoption of 12% from the whole base.


Low adoption (12%) and engagement (10%) with in-app purchases beyond Scan-to-Pay limit revenue growth and user satisfaction.

Despite having 200,000 active users, only 12% engaged with higher-margin in-app purchases beyond S2P. This low adoption and engagement indicated untapped revenue potential and a need to better integrate and educate users on available in-app features.

Testing and Validation

I want measure performance by tracking conversions
and observing users’ behaviour in analytics systems.

Hotjar anaylsis

- Users clicks throughout the app
- Amount of times users clicked on the prepaid menu tab
- Amount of times users interacted with the in-app products
- Where the drop off occurred while interacting with in-app product features


I’ve arranged 10 calls via Zoom with previous customers to understand what influenced their decision for not using the SnapScans in-app products

7 out of 10 said their banking app already has this feature and are comfortable using it. With a note of not knowing what the difference is in terms of fees.
The remaining 3 said they were not aware of the in-app product offerings.

I wanted to quantify the feedback on the current App design layout. At the end of my user interviews I’ve asked the attendees to assess the existing design of the App by completing a questionnaire that uses System Usability Scale (SUS).

I’ve calculated the score using SUS calculator in Excel I’ve created using relevant formulas: 65/100


I’ve run a single-answer survey among 100 representatives of the target audience using Google Surveys to see which apps they prefer for purchasing Data, Electricity, Municipal Bill payments, etc.

40% - Prefer using Bank Apps
20% - Prefer paying municipal bills in store
10% - Buy airtime and data on thier mobile network apps
12% - Use SnapScan
18% - Unaware of the offering


While there is minimal adoption, a large percentage of the regular user base is aware of the offerings, but actively choose other apps to do these funtions. This is purly based on trust, transparency of the offerings. There is a UX issue with the remainder of the user base not knowing it exists.

  • No push or popups educating users of the in-app products

  • Current navigation hides important features

  • 20% of the user base do not know how much more efficient, faster and safe it is purchasing these in-app products digitally VS In-store.

How Might We

HMW: Make users feel more confident when purchasing in-app offerings?
HMW: Increase awareness of in-app offerings?


Enhance user awareness and engagement with in-app purchase products through targeted UI improvements, educational content, and personalized user prompts.

Proposed Approach

  1. Awareness Campaign: Implement targeted push notifications and in-app prompts to educate users.

  2. UI/UX Enhancements: Redesign the in-app purchase interface for better visibility and accessibility.

  3. Educational Initiatives: Develop and integrate tutorials and tips highlighting the advantages of SnapScan's in-app products.

Key Elements

  1. In-App Prompts: Increase visibility and user interaction through timely notifications.

  2. Redesigned UI: Improve layout and accessibility to streamline user experience.

  3. Educational Content: Provide users with clear, value-focused information about in-app features.


SnapScan's strategic initiatives aimed to improve user adoption and engagement with in-app purchases. By enhancing the visibility, accessibility, and educational aspects of the features, SnapScan expected to unlock new revenue streams and improve overall user satisfaction.


SnapScan's comprehensive strategy proved successful in achieving its objectives:

  1. Increased Adoption: User adoption of in-app purchases rose by 5%, validating the effectiveness of the awareness campaigns and personalized prompts.

  2. Improved Engagement: User engagement with in-app features improved by 4%, highlighting the impact of a streamlined UX and educational initiatives.

  3. Profit Growth: Profits from in-app purchases grew by 2%, demonstrating the revenue potential of a well-executed user-focused strategy.

Key learnings

Measure Current Performance

Establish baseline metrics for user interaction and engagement before implementing changes.

User Testing and Feedback

Conduct testing with a subset of users to gather insights and refine strategies.

Gradual Rollout

Implement changes in phases to ensure smooth transitions and effective user adaptation.

Continuous Improvement

Use feedback and performance data to make ongoing adjustments and enhancements.