Invygo's website revamp

Invygo's website revamp

Impact summary (Ongoing analysis)


8 %

An Increase from 4%

CTR to listings

40 %

An increase from 30%



up from 0.32%


Lead Product Designer


Invygo aims to enhance its online presence and capture substantial organic traffic by revamping its website. Historically, the focus has been on the mobile app, but a well-designed website is crucial for building trust and delivering a seamless user experience. Invygo intends to convert more visitors into subscribers, improve user engagement, and establish a strong brand presence online.


Invygo’s current website has a cluttered navigation structure and outdated page designs that hinder user experience. Key pages such as the homepage, about us, listings, how it works, blog, and car reviews lack cohesive design and user-centric layouts, leading to difficulty in navigation, lower engagement, and higher bounce rates.

Factors to keep in mind

  • Team members work across squads limiting our work load we could take on.

  • We had to show some growth so pushing out the website incrementally vs releasing the website fully does not give us insights now to make iterations faster.

  • This was an effort over multiple pages of the website that each has its own metrics and reasons.

** This case study is an overview of the entire website and does not deep dive into each page

Success Metrics

North Star Metric:

  • Increase overall website traffic by 20% through improved navigation and user experience.

Sub Metrics:

  • Improve task completion rates on key pages by 25%, tracked through user interaction analytics.

  • Reduce bounce rates on the homepage by 20%, as measured by site analytics.

  • Increase user satisfaction with the website navigation by 40%, monitored through user feedback and surveys.

Key Pages Analysis:
  • Homepage: High bounce rates and low engagement due to cluttered design and unclear calls to action.

  • About Us: The page lacks engaging content and a clear narrative, resulting in low user interest.

  • Listings: Users find it difficult to search and filter car listings effectively, leading to low conversion rates.

  • How It Works: The page does not effectively communicate the subscription process, causing confusion.

  • Blog: The layout is outdated, making content discovery and engagement difficult.

  • Car Reviews: Users struggle to find relevant car reviews easily, reducing the page's effectiveness.


  • User Frustration: Difficulty in navigating and finding information quickly leads to user frustration and lower engagement.

  • Operational Challenges: The outdated and cluttered website structure makes it challenging to maintain and update.

Current Data:

  • Navigation Drop-Off Rate: High drop-off rate at 35%.

  • Homepage Bounce Rate: 50% bounce rate indicating users leave shortly after arriving.

  • Engagement Metrics: Low engagement on about us (10%), listings (15%), how it works (8%), blog (12%), and car reviews (10%)

Each page has a set of specific keywords that we target to funnel users


Revamp the website's navigation IA and redesign key pages to enhance usability, engagement, and user satisfaction.

Proposed Approach:

  1. Redesign Navigation IA:

    • Streamline Navigation: Simplify and categorize the navigation menu to improve findability and ease of use.

    • User-Centric Structure: Create intuitive groupings and paths based on user needs and behavior analysis.

  2. Revamp Key Pages:

    • Homepage: Implement a clean, engaging design with clear calls to action to reduce bounce rates.

    • About Us: Craft a compelling narrative with engaging content and visuals to increase user interest.

    • Listings: Enhance search and filter functionalities for better user experience and higher conversion rates.

    • How It Works: Create a clear, visually appealing explanation of the subscription process to educate users.

    • Blog: Modernize the layout to improve content discovery and engagement.

    • Car Reviews: Redesign the page for easier navigation and relevance to user searches.

Results and Conclusion

Revamping Invygo’s website, from the navigation IA to the core pages, will significantly improve user experience, engagement, and satisfaction. This initiative addresses current navigation issues and outdated designs, leading to a more intuitive and efficient website that meets user needs and enhances operational effectiveness.

Waiting for Mixpanel data and Hotjar before we conclude
Key learnings

Evaluating existing systems

Analyzing current systems and user feedback helped us identify improvement areas and establish clear objectives for the redesign.

Standardizing components

Consistency in navigation elements improved user experience, scalability, and
the brand

Testing with users

Usability tests and beta testing enabled us to refine designs, validate the new information architecture, and gather user feedback.

Iterating based on feedback.

Incorporating user suggestions optimized navigation paths and ensured a smooth transition to the new system.