إعادة تصميم الملاحة في Bayzat: تنفيذ نظام تصميم مستمر

إعادة تصميم الملاحة في Bayzat: تنفيذ نظام تصميم مستمر


أنظمة التصميم الرائدة


Lead Product Designer / Wayne Brangaza

Lead Product Designer / Wayne Braganza


ملخص التأثير


5 %

زيادة بنسبة 10%

معدل إتمام المهمة

8 %

انخفاض بنسبة 20%

الوقت للعثور على المعلومات


أسفل من 25%


Bayzat is a leading work-life platform that helps businesses streamline HR processes, manage their workforce effectively, and empower their employees. Our platform automates payroll, manages employee records, tracks attendance, and offers world-class benefits. Operating in the UAE and KSA, Bayzat enhances user experience and operational efficiency through a structured design system.


كما نما بايزات، تزاحمت ملاحتنا. زادت عناصر الملاحة بنسبة 300% خلال سنتين، مما تسبب في انخفاض بنسبة 20% في معدلات إكمال المهام و انخفاض بنسبة 15% في رضا المستخدم.

التحديات المعالجة:
  1. ملاحة مكتظة: أكثر من 40 عنصرًا غير منظم بشكل جيد.
  2. مشكلات قابلية العثور: واجه المستخدمون صعوبة في العثور على الميزات الرئيسية بسرعة.
  3. مخاوف بشأن التوسع: إضافة المزيد من العناصر أدت إلى تفاقم مشكلات قابلية العثور والتكيف.
Success Metrics

المقياس الرئيسي:

  • زيادة رضا المستخدمين عن النظام الجديد للتصفح بنسبة 15% (قياسًا من خلال استطلاعات رضا المستخدمين ومؤشر منتجي الدعاية)

المقاييس الفرعية:

  • معدل إتمام المهام: تحسين بنسبة 20%، بتقليل العدد المتوسط للنقرات للعثور على الميزات الرئيسية.

  • الوقت المتوسط للعثور على المعلومات: الحد من خلال 25%، بهدف تبسيط تفاعلات المستخدم مع المنصة.

  • استفسارات الدعم المتعلقة بالتصفح: الحد من خلال 10%، بتقليل تكرار استفسارات المستخدمين بشأن مشاكل التصفح.


To address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive design system that standardized the information architecture and user interface elements, ensuring consistency and scalability across the platform.

Design System implementation
  1. Evaluating Existing Information Architecture
    Conducted user feedback sessions, analytics review of the old Design System, and tree testing to understand current navigation issues.Identified lack of categorization and logical grouping as key pain points.

  2. Developing a New Information Architecture (IA)
    Categorized features into logical groups based on user needs and workflows.Created a new IA reflecting these groupings, ensuring clarity and coherence.

  3. Choosing the Right UI Layout
    Explored top vs. side navigation and opted for side navigation for better space management and visibility. Designed UI components such as navigation bars, icons, and labels aligned with the new IA.

Testing and Validation

We conducted tree testing and usability tests to refine the IA and UI. We also performed A/B testing to identify user preferences.

  1. Discovery and Analysis
    Analyzed current navigation data and user feedback. Conducted tree testing to identify navigation flaws and areas for improvement.

  2. Design and Implementation
    Developed a new design system to organize features into logical categories. Implemented a side navigation layout to enhance user experience.

  3. Testing and Iteration
    Performed tree testing and usability tests to refine navigation. Launched a beta version to gather user feedback and make necessary adjustments.

  4. Final Deployment
    Rolled out the new navigation system across the platform. Monitored user interactions and made continuous improvements based on feedback.

Our efforts yielded impressive results, including increased user satisfaction, improved task completion rates, and reduced support queries. Additionally, design efficiency, consistency, and collaboration improved significantly.

Metrics Achieved for End Users:
  1. User Satisfaction: Increased by 15%, as measured by user feedback surveys and Net Promoter Score (NPS).

  2. Task Completion Rate: Improved by 20%, reducing the average number of clicks to find key features

  3. Average Time to Find Information: Decreased by 25%, streamlining user interactions with the platform

  4. Navigation-Related Support Queries: Reduced by 10%, lowering navigation-related support issues (Zendesk Reports).

Metrics Achieved for Designers:
  1. Design Efficiency: Time to create and update navigation components reduced by 30%, enabling quicker iterations.

  2. Consistency in Design: Achieved 95% adherence to design standards across all navigation components.

  3. Collaboration Improvement: Increased cross-team collaboration by 25% due to standardized components and documentation.

Key learnings

Evaluating existing systems

Analyzing current systems and user feedback helped us identify improvement areas and establish clear objectives for the redesign.

Standardizing components

Consistency in navigation elements improved user experience, scalability, and
the brand

Testing with users

Usability tests and beta testing enabled us to refine designs, validate the new information architecture, and gather user feedback.

Iterating based on feedback.

Incorporating user suggestions optimized navigation paths and ensured a smooth transition to the new system.